Welcome to Paws and Paddle Canine Conditioning

Whether you rely on your pet for assistance, protection, or simply companionship, their health and mobility are and important part of your life as well as theirs. Seeing a pet suffer with any type of debilitation - be it from injury, surgery, or old age - can make us feel incredibly helpless.

As a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner, I'll work with you and your veterinarian to assist in the recovery of your four-legged friend.

We are learning that the same decades-old principles used in human rehab that enable patients to return safely to their active lifestyles may be extended to canine patients, as well.

Canine rehabilitation has evolved in over the last decade as a result of consumer education and interest, technological advances in surgery, care and management of the canine, and the hope to return dogs to their pre-injury/disease state more thoroughly and effectively. The University of Tennessee was the first school to develop a curriculum of courses for a certificate program for canine rehabilitation, and their first class of students graduated in June 2003. While the program has continued to expand with about 1,000 participants, Gail is among the first 36 in the world to graduate from the program and provide rehabilitation with the trademarked title of “CCRP – Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner.”

The goals of rehab are to promote optimal healing, an early return to fun and function, and to prevent the complications from disuse. The art and science of rehabilitation as provided by a credentialed professional can help the canine companion get safely back on their feet.

For more information on studies that demonstrate value of early rehabilitation for our dogs, please refer to the University of Tennessee’s website: www.utc.edu/~dine.